Staff & Board // Supporters

Staff and Board

Susan Knill
Executive Director

Taylor R. Twohy
Communications and Development Officer

Dr. Anthony McWright,
DSA Executive Principal
Chris Wineman, Trustee Emeritus
Andy Burns
Sarah Baie
Charlie Follett
Richard Lewis
Julie McPherson

Andy Mountain,
DSAFF Board Chair
Jennifer Crossett, Vice Chair
Peter Han, Treasurer
Chuck Morris
Keith Ward
Molly Wink
Donald Zuckerman

Our mission

We exist to support the Denver School of the Arts’ vision

while enhancing programming, inclusivity, and diversity

within our school and the greater Denver community.

The DSA Friends Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization, acting as a fundraising arm of Denver School of the Arts. Each year, we facilitate the Fill the Gap campaign, securing hundreds of thousands of dollars for DSA’s student-artists, faculty, and staff.

Thank you to all of our incredible 22-23 donors!

You sustain the phenomenal arts education at DSA!